BDNYC Members Help Lead Pilot Education Program CosmoAmautas

No matter where we live in the world, to look up at the night sky and wonder about our place in the universe is human. “We are all looking at the same sky,” says Lisseth Gonzales Quevedo, a Bachelor of Physics at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) in Lima, Peru. It is through this inherently human fascination for the universe that two BDNYC members are helping to bring scientific thought to the children and youth of Peru.


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BDNYC Members Announce Grad School Decisions

The BDNYC team is delighted to share the graduate school decisions of three of our members: Elena Litvinova Mitra, Jose I. Adorno, and Austin Rothermich.

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Two BDNYC Alumni Awarded NSF GRFP Fellowships

The BDNYC group is excited to congratulate two alumni members on their National Science Fellowship (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) awards! Victoria DiTomasso and Allison (Allie) McCarthy have both won NSF GRFP fellowships for the 2021 award year.

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