BDNYC at AAS 229


It’s time for the 229th meeting of the American Astronomical Society! A number of BDNYC members are there to present talks and posters so be sure to check them out! In this post, we list the times and dates. We’ll be updating this with links to the posters as well once the conference is over.

In addition to presentations, our own Kelle Cruz is running for AAS Council. You can find her statement here.

On Wednesday, January 4, alphabetically by last name, we have:

Stephanie Douglas (Dissertation talk, 131.02D)
Open clusters as laboratories for stellar spin-down and magnetic activity decay
On Cool Stars I; 2:20 PM to 2:40 PM

Haley D. Fica (Wednesday, 155.08)
Spectrographs and Large Telescopes: A Study of Instrumentation

On Thursday, January 5 we have:

Colleen Cleary (Thursday, 240.05)
Principal Component Analysis of Brown Dwarfs

Victoria DiTomasso (Thursday, 240.04)
Your Age is Showing: Understanding the Spectral Features of Young Brown Dwarfs

Mark Popinchalk (Thursday, 240.06)
Comparison of BT Settl Model Spectra in NIR to Brown Dwarfs and Massive Exoplanets

Ellianna Schwab (Thursday, 240.08)
Too Cool for Stellar Rules: A Bayesian Exploration of Trends in Ultracool Magnetism

Ellianna Schwab (Thursday, 242.02)
Timing will Tell: Constraining Pulsar Timing Errors in the Search for Gravitational Waves

Jean-Paul Ventura (Thursday, 240.16)
Investigating the Spectroscopic Variability and Magnetic Activity of Photometrically Variable M Dwarfs in SDSS

For Friday, January 6, we have:

Victoria DiTomasso (Friday, 335.06)
Planning for the Future: Revealing Underrepresented Stories in the History of Physics and Astronomy

Mark Popinchalk (Friday, 335.08)
Conceptualizing Astronomical Distances for Urban Populations

Ellianna Schwab (Friday, 335.10)
If You Planet, They Will Come: Reviving the CCNY Planetarium

And on Saturday, January 7, we have:

Paige A. Godfrey (Dissertation talk, 408.03D)
Atmospheric Properties of T Dwarfs Inferred from Model Fits at Low Spectral Resolution as Exoplanet Atmosphere Analogs
On The Coolest Stars & Brown Dwarfs; 10:30 AM to 10:50 AM