A Compilation of Young Brown Dwarfs
This page contains a compilation of suspected low-surface gravity brown dwarfs. We include 2MASS and WISE photometry, spectra, astrometry, group membership/age estimates where available, and references. When using this data in a presentation or publication, be sure to cite the original reference(s) listed.
To request permission to update, to send corrections or suggestions send us an email at bdnyc@bdync.org.
If this compilation is useful to your research, please consider including this acknowledgement in your work: “This publication has made use of the Young Brown Dwarf Compilation maintained by the BDNYC collaboration led by Kelle Cruz, Emily Rice, and Jackie Faherty.”
Access the spreadsheet on Google Docs. On Google Docs, you can change the sort order, unhide columns, download the entire compilation, etc.
To select which format to download this table in, go to: File > Download as… and select the format you desire.
Unpublished objects are given New York City themed code names to protect their identities.
Future Plans
– Links to downloadable spectra.
– Links to quickview images of spectra
Update Log
Future major changes and updates applied to the table will be posted here. All changes can also be seen by looking at the revision history on the original spreadsheet on Google Docs.
October 2012: Compilation published.
We have published a tutorial on how to embed a so-called “live spreadsheet” like the one above, which updates automatically as you update your original Google document: How To Embed a Live Google Docs Spreadsheet Into a Webpage.